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Gardening Resources

Native Plants

Native plants are those that have co-evolved here over centuries. Together, they make the Virginia Piedmont unique. 

Healthy Landscapes

The Healthy Landscapes program is designed to help homeowners create a healthy habitat for
both human enjoyment and our native flora & fauna.

Healthy Virginia Lawns

HVL a joint venture between Virginia Cooperative Extension (VCE) and the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR).

Horticulture Help Desk

The Virginia Cooperative Extension’s Horticultural Help Desk is a good place to start if you have gardening questions.

VCE Publications & Other Resources

Native plants are those that have co-evolved here over centuries. Together, they make the Virginia Piedmont unique. 

Speaker’s Bureau

The Healthy Landscapes program is designed to help homeowners create a healthy habitat for
both human enjoyment and our native flora & fauna.

Monthly Gardening Tips

HVL a joint venture between Virginia Cooperative Extension (VCE) and the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR).

Be a Steward of the Environment

The Virginia Cooperative Extension’s Horticultural Help Desk is a good place to start if you have gardening questions.

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